why do i think that "treat people with kindness" is a LGBTQ+ song, a thread made by a gay person🏳️‍🌈
first of all i wanted to make it clear that this is my personal interpretation and what i personally think about the song, im not saying that this is definitely what the song is about, and if you have another opinion or interpretation then that's totally fine too
first of all, i think that the first lines and the chorus of the song "Maybe we can find a place to feel good
and we can treat people with kindness" talk about acceptance towards lgbtq+ people. how we can all, as a community, create a safe space where we all feel good+
and accepted bc we all understand each other and what we've been through, and how we should treat the other members of the community with kindness. and i also think he's asking people outside the community to treat us with kindness because we deserve it
the line "I'm just takin' it all in, floating up and dreamin'" talks about having a realization about your sexuality that youre "taking in" and being more than okay with it, accept it as a part of you
"And if we're here long enough
They'll sing a song for us
And we'll belong" now for me he could be talking about two different things here:
1) how the rest of society is finally accepting us and considering us a part of them, an equal, after years of us fighting for our rights+
and we're finally "belonging" to society
2) how lgbtq+ people can help new "members" to find their place here, how we can show people who are just discovering they're sexuality and/or their gender identity that they belong with us, that they're a part of our community
okay maybe im rambling here but, "Giving second chances
I don't need all the answers" could be talking about internalized homophobia, he's forgiving himself and others for having little homophobic attitudes without realizing it because of this internalized homophobia
"Feeling good in my skin
I just keep on dancin'" here harry is clearly talking about acceptance, about how he accepts his sexuality and who he really is, and how he embraces it and feels good with it, how he's good with this being a part of him, and he dances :)
the end ♡ this is how i interpreted it as a bisexual person who has had a lot of queer experiences in general, and knowing that harry is a part of the community as well, i think it makes a lot of sense (if you're a cis gender straight person, please don't invalidate this theory)
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