I grow increasingly disturbed during these last week's of attempted transition of power.

We have an active attempted coup against our goverment, a president inciting violence, which makes it hostile. A war on democracy, declared or not, is war.

In addition, we have that same party engaged, for the better part of a year, in seige warfare tactics. Specifically manipulating the response to a pandemic in such a way as to cause maximum death and suffering.

The deny and have outright stolen, PPE, promulgated the myth that the contagion is "fake" or inconsequential, pushed alternative and dangerous treatments, and attacked those trying to right the narrative with science and evidence.

And to add to the crisis they have partaken in strategies egregiously harmful to our economy and which deny citizens relief.

They are killing American citizens by the thousands, putting them in food and housing peril, and spreading lies daily about all of it.

Theres are also very real questions about the voting machines they push citizens to use, while sabotaging our postal service, and give run-around to those attempting to investigate these matters.

Every citizen should be concerned for this country and for our democracy.

All the more so as we have not received concrete plans nor even a firm commitment to justice, from the oncoming administration on how these matters will be dealt with.

These concerns are not petty.

This attack on Americans is not petty. In fact it is historic.

Requests for Congressional response are not petty.

Who is in charge and why do they leave us to these devices?

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