Rumblings of trouble in Iraq tonight. May turn into a thread as situation progresses.
Pair of KC-135s over UAE, heading west currently.

60-0337 (AE0482)
59-1502 (AE0597)
This is what started the trouble. AAH militias threatening a response.
3 additional KC-135 tankers now over Iraq. Total of 5 up currently.

58-0066 (AE0590)
63-8019 (AE05AA)
60-0353 (AE062B)
Make that 6 KC-135 tankers up now.

62-3578 (AE07BE)

All of these contacts have been via Mode-S/MLAT on open source flight tracking apps, just FYI.
Tanker number 7, Persian Gulf.

KC-135T 58-0061 (AE0479)
RSAF 🇸🇦 Arieye AEW&C aircraft airborne west of Bahrain currently.

Reg. 6001 (7103B7)
Tanker number 8.

KC-135R 63-8007 (AE0489)
9th tanker spotted, Iraq.

KC-135R 62-3544 (AE05A7)
RAF 🇬🇧 Sentinel R.1 battlefield surveillance aircraft that started thread now on station. Just sent a ping at Angels 41, Iraq.

Reg. ZJ692 (43C09D)
From 15 minutes earlier. 10th tanker, this time a KC-10A Extender.

MOJO85 is reg. 86-0028 (AE0227)
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