Perhaps I'm being snobbish, given my academic background (biochem, nuclear physics/economics), but I have a very hard time accepting that sociology is a science in the physical sciences meaning of the word. The data, if any, is not empirical and the "experiments" ...
...are almost never reproducible and so one can construct them to mean anything or nothing. I'm sure if they tried, the academics in this discipline could prove that burning witches was an acceptable use of the precautionary principle, then go on and expand that thought...
...into what it means for intersectionality, critical race theory, blah-blah-woof-woof. I realize that economics is a social science, but at least its models are based on databases constructed using generally accepted principles...
...and economic modellers that I knew and worked with understand perfectly well that their models are management tools, not Biblical prophecy, and are not to be taken as accurate even five years out.
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