I majored in humanities (Government / History). I had to take on loans to get my state education, which I'm still paying. Today, I work at a small non-profit.

All of these were my decisions. I don't think others who made different ones should have to subsidize my choices.
I have close family who came from similar circumstances, who made different choices, and are now debt-free and/or making a ton of money.

I am not envious of them. I am happy with my life, for the most part, and chose it with my eyes wide open.
My college years were filled with fascinating discussions of abstract topics. These were years well-lived. Now they mean I make less.

My job in charitable sector also enriches my life. I save people. But it also means I make less, and pay my loans slowly. This is my choice.
It is true that our education system is badly broken, and no one should have to go into deep debt to pay for it. HOWEVER! There were still *better* and *worse* choices ahead of me, financially speaking.

Don't I bear responsibility for the *predictably* worse financial outcomes?
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