Thread: Is AOC’s Cinderella Origin Story a Sham?

Did Justice Dems discover AOC through a nomination process as they claim, or did they discover her during Bernie’s 2016 campaign and concoct an elaborate Cinderella origin story to make her look like less like a puppet?
Let’s start with what I will refer to as the “Cinderella Video,” which is a high production-value video released by Justice Dems in January 2019, establishing what can be considered the canon of AOC’s Cinderella Story:
Before we get started, keep in mind that the people seen in the Cinderella Video with AOC claim not to have known her before her brother nominated her. But these people were Bernie’s 2016 grassroots organizing team, and AOC helped run Bernie’s grassroots campaign in the Bronx.
Which seems more likely: the elaborate Cinderella Story is true or the elaborate Cinderella Story was concocted by Bernie’s grassroots organizing team after being wowed by the firebrand Latina running their Bronx operation?

Let’s see how well the Cinderella Story holds up.
Let’s first analyze the claim made at the beginning of the Cinderella Video that Brand New Congress (“BNC,” a sister PAC of Justice Dems founded by Bernie’s grassroots organizing team) received over 10K nominations and AOC was picked like Cinderella from that huge sea of people.
BNC’s Isra Allison, the same woman who the Cinderella Video establishes as the person who first contacted AOC in December 2016, appeared on RT (Russian state TV...🤔) that same month claiming BNC had received “2,500+ nominations” (see below at 9:40):
In late January 2017, Justice Dems was formed and associated with The Young Turks as their propaganda outlet, which may have increased the nominations received, but this happened *after* December 2016 when BNC claims they selected AOC anyway.
I’m guessing BNC had a couple hundred nominations when they claim to have picked AOC, but falsified the number to sex up their Cinderella Story.

Even in 2020, when you’d expect nominations to be up from the AOC publicity, BNC only claimed to receive “hundreds” of nominations:
Here is AOC’s side of the Cinderella story:

1. AOC didn’t plan to run

2. AOC’s brother nominated her

3. AOC made a spiritual journey to Standing Rock in December 2016; BNC didn’t know about that trip and just happened to first contact her right as she was leaving Standing Rock
AOC calls her career coaching “part of a series of events that culminated in this big adventure of a Congressional run!” Sounds more like a carefully crafted and planned Congressional run to me.
How about the claim that AOC’s brother nominated her? Let’s revisit the Cinderella Video:

At 0:25: “My brother told me he had sent my nomination in the summer [of 2016] but I was like literally working out of a restaurant then and there was like no way.”
On the podcast, Gabriel claims he pulled his car over in a rainstorm and nominated AOC but, even though he knew the event would change his life, is vague as to when it happened. On follow up, he settles on 2017, which is both impossible and inconsistent with the Cinderella Story.
Gabriel is then asked how he came to know about BNC and gives a rambling, vague answer and transitions to a seemingly made-up-on-the-fly description of his nomination, which consisted of him being “like, you *better* call her!”and saying he offered to pay them if they would.
Gabriel is an unreliable narrator and seems to be making up this story, with no clue when, and a non-sensical account of how, it happened.

Overall, the various stories of Gabriel’s nomination are inconsistent and the whole thing seems contrived. I don’t buy it.
The stories of how BNC first contacted AOC are even more inconsistent. Let’s start with the Cinderella Video:

At 2:00- “I walked out of [Standing Rock] and was like what do I do and literally that day I get this email like *this* is what you do!”
So according to canon:

1. initial contact from BNC was an email

2. she got it the day she left Standing Rock.

As we will see, in various accounts initial contact changes between email and a call and timing changes from the day she left Standing Rock to the day she returned.
Here AOC describes first contact as a call she got while leaving Standing Rock:
Here’s AOC in January 2020 repeating the canon version and saying first contact was an email she opened while driving out of Standing Rock:
Near the end of this video, AOC describes it as a phone call from Justice Democrats (not even from BNC) that she received the day she left Standing Rock
In this version, AOC says she got a call from BNC the day she got back from Standing Rock, meaning this version changes both facts from what we were told in the Cinderella Video:
I’m quite sure I could go on and on finding more explanations of this event, all of them differing in details.

But if this is such a critical part of AOC’s origin story, why doesn’t she remember the details the same each time? Sounds to me like this whole story is made up.
In fact, each and every part of AOC’s Cinderella Story sounds like it was made up, from the number of nominations she was picked from, to whether she wanted to run, to the way AOC was nominated, to the way she was selected.
Seems to me that this whole story is bogus and AOC was likely known to BNC from the Bernie campaign rather than being selected, but that story didn’t sound great, so they made up a Cinderella Story instead.
We know AOC went to Standing Rock because she live-streamed her trip. But I suspect the trip was staged by BNC to give AOC street cred. AOC tips her hand to this in the Cinderella Video, saying: “I’ve literally been live streaming my life and *our* political action since 2016.”
How was AOC live-streaming BNC’s political action in 2016 if she wasn’t first contacted by them until her way home from that trip?

The Cinderella Story sounds like a fraud and the real story is that BNC knew AOC from the Bernie campaign.
So why does this matter? Well, for one thing, the truth matters. But also, the voters thought they were electing Cinderella, not one of the evil stepsisters.

You can’t just con the electorate and call that no big deal. It’s a big deal.
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