A brief thread on those facing their #SaturnReturns. I have a few thoughts and suggestions. I've been reviewing my journal from 1991 when Saturn last went into Aquarius, and it's been eye-opening.
I was 24 and had only recently discovered astrology. So, I don't reference it that much. But as the years wore on into 1994, I did. It clearly wasn't my #SaturnReturn yet, but some thoughts to share.
First, document this time. Ideally with paper and pen. Or if you do it digitally, print your work out regularly. I'm happy that I printed out my journal years ago, because I have no idea where the digital files are. I would just be S-O-L.
What strikes me about my entries from this time was how...severe and even savage with nearly everything and everyone, especially myself, during this time. Makes sense as Saturn was (and is) applying to oppose my natal Moon.
It reminds me of how @astromerlin talks about "should" as a very Saturnian word. Your twenties are likely loaded with "shoulds," with many of them from your upbringing and some idealistic ones of your own.
Your #SaturnReturn reflects a moment when you're sifting through all those "shoulds" to see which ones belong to you and your journey ahead. And Saturn's goal is to lighten that load, believe it or not. Most of those shoulds you'll see are unnecessary or useless.
That's mostly because many of those "shoulds" are not yours. The imperatives and authority that matters surface from within you, even if it's to meet established ones in the external world.
Yet, it's good to have record, even from your 2nd #JupiterReturn to document your thoughts. Unfortunately, we've learned to leave some of our choice thoughts to social media. Great for immediate social connection or venting. Bad for posterity.
10, 20, 30 years from now, you might not even be on Twitter or some social media platform. Or it'll take too much time to sift through the years. (Yes, even if you choose to download your Twitter history as you can.)
But now, I can look back on Saturn moving through Aquarius, Pisces and my own #SaturnReturn (in Aries) to see and remember what I was actually thinking rather than relying on shadowy memories. Realized some of y'all might not be thinking this way.
So, allow me to be your #Saturn expressed for a minute and say: Write your shit down. Use archival ink and good paper. Or remember to print out your Evernotes or Google docs. Leave yourself breadcrumbs for your future self to trail along the way back to yourself.
You can follow @sfreynolds.
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