To ask me without blinking "what's wrong to wish a Merry Christmas to my christian neighbor"

Is like asking me what's wrong with being happy for someone (& what they do and say) the day on which they believe God was himself born (astaghfirullah) or his begotten son


I have already proven the prohibition of celebrating the feasts of kuffar in this thread from the Quran, sunnah and the scholars' opinons
But what I have noticed is some Muslims don't find any issue with celebrating or congratulating the unbelievers on this feast. & they consider it to be just an action of Tolerance and common courtesy

so earning the Wrath of Allah became a price for seeking the pleasure of pagans
But let me assure you my friend and wake you up from your illusion, and remind you that pleasing the non-believers is a goal that can never be achieved, and you would find yourself out of your religion and still they are unhappy with you.

Have you forgotten this verse?
And as for saying it is just a common courtesy, I remind U that this is a feast and a celebration of what they say the birthday of God's son

So will U be happy with what {The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation} ?
Will U be facing a person who's celebrating the birthday of God's son with a smiley face (that's in case if U aren't celebrating already) while U know it is an insult to Allah? and insulting Allah is blasphemy

Allah says "... and his abuse to me is saying Allah has children..."
And besides all this -that should be enough if you have any love for your Creator and for his religion to stop showing agreement with insulting your God-

There are many other reasons as to why muslims have prohibited celebrating or congratulating on this pagan holiday.
1)In this celebration, there is a clear imitation of what Christians are on, & imitation is an indication of the preference of the imitated over his imitator, and it is not allowed for a Muslim who's been honored & dignified with Allah's religion to bow down to [man worshippers]
2) engaging in this celebration of the unbelievers is a way of support to them (psychologically and even financially) besides the fact that it is associated with the propagation of their falsehood and blasphemy, that should be the last thing a Muslim wants to spread on Earth
3) In celebrating this day, there is showing of subordination of Muslims to the infidels, which will give them only pride and supremacy over the people of Islam.

And if this is what you wish for the Muslim (just humiliation) then may Allah humilate you further .
4)also In this celebration, the Muslim’s weakness in front of the unbelievers is demonstrated, by giving up our principles and values. especially when muslims attend such celebrations in which Allah is disobeyed and mocked with the most egregious evils .
5)it is a demolition of the most important bonds of Islam, that is (love & hate for the sake Allah) a Muslim can never love what Allah dislikes, and therefore attending this celebration Undermines this principle, unless U say i dislike what I celebrate which makes you a hypocrite
6)it is one of the innovations ppl made up with no proof, If Muslims themselves were the ones who invented it, it would've been suffice to reject it, let alone since it is an invention of kufar, this makes it another reason to prohibit it, as Ibn Taymiyyah said in (al-iqtidaa')
I've also seen some ignorant people claiming that our Scholars are divided concerning this issue, meaning some allowed to celebrate and congratulate on this pagan holiday!

That's a lie

As ibn al-qayyim reported ijmaa (consensus) of scholar on the prohibition of these heresies
Ibn 'Uthaymeen said :

"Congratulating the disbelievers on their Christmas celebration or other than that from their religious holidays is not permissible according to the consensus. As was related by Imaam Ibn Al Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, in “ahkam ahl adhemmah...
he said: ''As for congratulating the kuffar for their religious ceremonies that have kufr attached to it, then it is not permissible according to the consensus. For example congratulating them for their holidays or their fasts, so the person says, “May you have a bless holiday”
or he wishes them well for their holiday... So this, if the one who says it escapes from falling into blasphemy, is (still) from the impermissible things. And it is on the same level as congratulating them for prostrating to the cross. Rather it is a greater sin with Allah...
it is a more severe abomination than to congratulate them for drinking alcohol, killing someone, or committing illegal sexual intercourse and things of this nature. And many of the people who don’t have any deen fall into this. And he doesn’t know the ugliness of what he has done
...So whoever congratulates a person for committing sins, or innovations, or disbelief, then he has exposed himself to the wrath (anger) of Allaah"

-End of quote from the words of imam ibn al-qayyim RA

Majmoo' fatawa wa dasaa'el khaykh ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah [369]
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