I’m watching Die Hard with my mom. She doesn’t get a say in the matter. She said, but I hate Mel Gibson.

Lol. #DieHard
I told her it was Bruce Willis. “Oh Brucey. I like him,” she says. Brucey. 😂😂
Fists with your toes
I’ve seen this movie a bazillion times and this is the first time I have noticed this.
My mom is very concerned that Brucey doesn’t have any shoes on.
My mom is yelling “look up! Look up!” when he’s riding the elevator in the elevator shaft. 😂
(We had to break for lunch and such.)
welcome to the party, pal!
Well my mom is now a Die Hard evangelist. Mission accomplished.
We are 100% watching Die Hard with a Vengeance tomorrow
Watching Die Hard With a Vengeance. Whew.
They don’t really make a lot of “disaster in New York” movies post-9/11 I feel like
Jeremy Irons was a snack in the 90s.
This movie is so pre-smart phone. Back in the day, if you didn’t know who the 21st president was, then you just didn’t know and maybe you’d explode
I like how Jeremy Irons just casually eats a hard boiled egg
At a certain point Sam Jackson should’ve just gone home. Why is he in the chopper? 😂
We're doing Die Harder tomorrow. I think I have to draw the line at Live Free Die Hard though
Die Harder. It’s happening. I don’t remember this being a Christmas movie too.
Respect to the Die Hard franchise for having straight up white villains. Instead of caricatures of people of color. Just huge ass German dudes with terrorist plans that are full of holes.
Oh never mind. I think these dudes are speaking Spanish. I guess the beefy aryan dudes with ill-conceived terrorist plans were in the first and third installments. Lord knows what’s going on in this one. AND I HAVE SEEN IT. don’t remember a thing
No wait. I think this army dude is the bad dude. William Sadler!
Why does this Black dude look like Clarence Thomas 😂
Dennis Franz is still alive. Good for him.
I knew I heard Finlandia in the score and then the movie just ends with it. One of my favorite pieces of music.
Alright. A Good Day to Die Hard tomorrow. Lawdamercy
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