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Buckle up.

I may blow your mind with my speculation today.

I've said before that Donald Trump has brilliantly herded wrongdoers into a cul-de-sac from which there is no escape.

History will marvel at the magnificence of it all.
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On this Christmas day, as I celebrate my risen Lord and Savior, and others around the world – even if nonbelievers -- acknowledge this special day, I think I'll take a moment to take a wild guess on what 45 and his amazing team of competent pros have cooked up for us.
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A natural byproduct of our God-given rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness free from unnecessary interference by the government is a resulting ability to speculate our ass off.

I'm damn good at that. Always have been.

That's not to say I'm not often wrong.
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Rarely, however, am I *wildly* wrong.
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Such is life.

Guesstimating is easy, as is doing so wrongly.

Guesstimating logically and correctly?

That’s a real challenge.
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That said, Mr. & Ms. Twitterati, I can see you with your doubtful arms folded.

I can hear you saying, "So, J.B., a.k.a. Mr. Billy Bad Ass . . . what's the dealio, yo ?!?"

What, you’re surely asking, has your boy Donald Trump cooked up, hmmmmmmmmm ???
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Here 'tis:

I think the 45th President of the United States, a master strategist and showman, has set the stage for the Grandest Grand Jury presentation in world history.

Some way, somehow, it will occur during the week of January 3rd.
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On Sunday, January 3rd, the 117th United States Congress organizes.

Important committee meetings will be held throughout the week and at least one Joint Session.
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If it was me, I'd do my big presentation at 1 p.m. on January 6th when the process of *officially* determining the President-elect begins.

Begins, media members. Begins!

Thus, the makings of the grandest of Grand Juries in world history will already be assembled.
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Present and accounted for, that is.

Some wrongdoers will no doubt be among them.
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What better stage is there for the President who has fiercely proclaimed and just as fiercely fought to return power to . . . We The People ???
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I'd have an "Order of Battle," so to speak, scripted in such a way for the Senator of *ALL* 50 American states, who is also a member of America's National Security Council, drive the train by 1st acknowledging the national emergency we're currently suffering under.
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I’d have Mike Pence, Senate President pronounce, “By the authority vested in me under the United States Constitution . . .” & thereafter proceed by suspending the rules ordinarily applicable for the beginning of the Joint Session to allow for an emergency presentation.
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Said presentation would be conducted by a U. S. Attorney or a series of U. S. Attorneys (to include, perhaps, our Attorney General Bill Barr) outlining – prediction here -- an extraordinary range of indictments.
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If accurate, said indictments will be resulting from various grand juries around America regarding foreign interference in our elections and domestic acts of wrongdoing . . . up to and including treason.
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Along with relevant information ascertained as a result of Executive Orders 13848 and 13849.
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The September 12, 2018 Executive Order — 13848 — Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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The September 20, 2018 Executive Order — 13849 — Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act

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And I would dare any !&*?!%*&! Senator or Congressman --

any damn one of them! --

present, which should be all of them, I'd dare any fool to object to the presentation.
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Speaking of objections, we all know objections by multiple SOVEREIGN states to the appointed Electors from a range of *wrongdoing* states have already been publicized.

Importantly, so have objections made by individual Americans and American organizations.
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These objections have been made clearly, or so it appears to me, as part of a brilliant strategy designed to go over the heads of those who doggedly cannot see the campaign Donald Trump has been on to return power to We The People.
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Those who are blind to Trump’s methodology tend to be slaves, from my vantage point, to the imperial judiciary and the lawyer-loving credentialed class that have egregiously failed the nation.
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As this spectacle theoretically unfolds, it is ordinarily the case in a grand jury setting that the government will have already conducted an investigation and a United States Attorney will present evidence to the Grand Jury.
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In other cases, the investigation will be incomplete and the grand jury, either on its own initiative or at the suggestion of the United States Attorney, will investigate the matter further.
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Thus . . . this unique and Grandest of All Grand Juries, all of which is permitted by our Constitution, will necessarily involve and require both aspects of a normal grand jury presentation / investigation.
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Such presentation need not occur on January 6th, I might add.

It could be scheduled at any time during the first week of the 117th Congress.

Word to the wise: Adam Schiff . . . here's looking at you, bruh. Impeachment is not a criminal matter. It's political.

Uh oh!
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As the President of the Senate, and Senator to *ALL* 50 American states, Mike Pence will surely recognize that any one state has USSC standing to advance its objections regarding *all* disputes between states but they most definitely have standing in the U.S. Senate.
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After all, where is the most deliberative legislative body in the world?
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Reputedly, that’s the U.S. Senate.

At least it *used* to be.

Before lobbyists & special interests did all of the work, wrote all of the laws, controlled all of the debate, and shat all over ordinary Americans in Bottom Bitch obedience to all kinds of foreigners.
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As Donald Trump quite rightly forces the nation to pivot towards a much-needed return to our world historic Constitution, may it – the United States Senate – clearly demonstrate such responsible status once again.
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With that, friends and enemies alike . . . I conclude with a heartfelt Merry Christmas, y'all.

Paraphrasing Luke, Chapter 2, verse14.

Glory to God in the highest, and for those of us in this realm on Earth: peace and goodwill towards all.
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