Social Democrats feel revolutionary to parts of the working class, particularly settler workers because our imagination has been so thoroughly limited as to what seizing control of real material conditions looks like. Medicare for all and labor protections certainly are net gains
Carbon taxes and police reforms may also improve conditions and save lives, but in the terms of bringing about a dictatorship of the proletariat are counter revolutionary. They do not end the united state's forever wars of imperialism on african, asian and south american nations
They do not end the settler colonial prison project that north america has become. These reforms do not give real space for black and indeginous self determination within the belly of the beast.
To put faith in social Democrats like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar to do anything but staunch the bleeding for a moment is to limit our potential.
We can see a new world and save the remnants of our environment by returning these lands and resources into the stewardship of those that have not disrespected the sacred gifts of earth, water and forest, flora and fauna.
We can grow roots deeper than the fracking sands and build a movement that doesn't offer survival off the blood of other living beings, other humans.
Destruction of the united states as a project and its accomplices is the only way we can move forward is through real revolution and building a union of workers. This starts by looking past the carrots, tho we may eat them to survive.
If this made sense its merely a synthesis of what black and indeginous revolutionaries have been saying since before the Haitian revolution.
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