1/ My notes & highlights from @visualizevalue latest course "The Permissionless Apprentice" by @jackbutcher
How do you create value?

You capture value by demonstrating your ability to do something for someone that they didn't know was possible (until you make it abundantly clear by showing them, which is what this workshop is all about).
What are the ways I can benefit from the work that I do?

When you're just getting started, it is important to think about the many forms of payment that will far exceed the value of cash over the long-term.

- Social proof 
- Experience 
- Proof of work
- Network
Advantages of using Twitter to share your work

At the time of writing, there is no platform more powerful to execute this strategy than Twitter. 

- Build a resume of "how you think"
- Solve problems with full transparency
- Grow a network of people interested in the above
What's the right mindset when creating a body of work?

Think of yourself as an early investor in an asset class that is not yet publicly traded. It's your job to increase the value of the asset in order to attract investment from other people.
How do you create more opportunities by serving fewer people?

"Build a Personal Monopoly: A unique intersection of skills, interests, and personality traits that make you one-of-a-kind." — David Perell
How to position yourself as an expert in the mind of your audience?

Don't tell.
Show. Your. Work.
How do I save myself from becoming demoralized due to failures?

Falling short of our expectations continually is a demoralizing process.

If we can reframe our efforts as the price we pay to increase the probability,  we’re always increasing the odds of success.
How to build a permission-less project?

"Live in the future and build what's missing."
Figure out what's missing, make it and show people.
You can follow @CalmAchiever.
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