Explosion in Nashville. I will see if I can get a chance to get over there and check it out. Prayers that everyone is safe!
Video shared on facebook live from a friend of a friend. The police in Nashville are already saying this was an intentional attack.

Here is a screen record.


Prayers 🙏🙏
So police were already in the area evacuating people BEFORE the bomb went off? Why? And a loudspeaker warning people a bomb was about to go off?

Something stinks. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1342507432866676736?s=19
Here is more footage from a different angle. Wish I could find it from a source who wasn't brainwashed.... but here ya go: https://twitter.com/AndyOstroy/status/1342501852345233409?s=19
Moar https://twitter.com/TheVengeance17/status/1342472350806241280?s=19
BREAKING: Here is security footage of the explosion as well as the evacuation warnings going off BEFORE the bomb exploded!

Part 1 of 2
BREAKING: Part 2 of 2
Wow!! A countdown?! 👇 https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1342522951283912704?s=19
I will say local Nashville news channel 2 is asking the right questions right now.
He seems VERY calm to me.... 🤔 https://twitter.com/theonlyrymac/status/1342541363875819521?s=19
Widespread reports of AT&T services down including cellular service as well as internet services.

Local news channel 2 just asked "was this an attack on communications?"
Wow its been an even crazier 2020 in Nashville
Very clear footage of the aftermath in the #nashvilleexplosion. Scroll up and down this thread for more details.
Great thread to add with my thread 👇 https://twitter.com/MoreheadPatriot/status/1342544028357824515?s=19
Another great thread to help compile more evidence! 👇 https://twitter.com/TheVengeance17/status/1342469292911185920?s=19
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