When I was in northern Iraq at Q-West for Christmas 2003 with the @101stAASLTDIV 6-101st Aviation @KyraPhillips then at @CNN asked me to gather photos of how our soldiers were getting into the spirit. We had to decorate as best we could then.
The one thing you learn about soldiers early in your service is they will always find a way to make do with what they have.
We got an absolute ton of boxes from home. We had asked our families and friends to send gifts we could deliver to the many local villages we were supporting with civil affairs support. The response was incredible.
Throughout the month we made our way out to a number of our villages to hand out the many toys and gifts we had gotten. Usually we brought schools supplies or winter clothes as it cooled in Ninewa. This time was just for fun.
It was a good Christmas. Attacks had been ramping up in the area and got worse as they distributed the new Iraqi Dinar leading to regular rocket attacks. But we found a way to celebrate as soldiers do. Merry Christmas to all and to our troops overseas especially.
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