It has been 1 month since my dad died.

Last month was very difficult for me, but I learnt a lot about life in the last month.

Here’s a thread about life. 🧵👇
I hope you all can learn something from my experience.😅
http://1.Life  is totally unpredictable.

Here I was planning the next five years of my life. I started planning everything I wanted to do in the future, everything from my job to my family. (I am 21 btw and my dad was 56). Me and my father were very close.
He was really proud of me. I tried to make him proud. I promised him that in 1 year I’ll get “success”. I guess I never really got a chance to show him the results.
It sucks but I have to be at peace with it.

There are things in life that we just can't control.
2. Express your feelings while you have the chance

There’s one thing that I will never regret : I always expressed my feelings to my father. I always told him how much I loved him, I always told him how much he means to me. We were more like friends.
So, always express your feelings to your loved ones. You might not get a chance later.
http://3.Work  life balance is very important

Since the last few months, I was really working hard. Tbh I don’t have a lot of friends. But the ones that were my friends, let’s just say I didn’t contact them that much. I didn’t spend that much time with my family.
I have a little regret about it. I could have spent more time with him.
So, call your friends regularly. Ask them how they are doing. Spend as much time with your family as you can. Everything else is secondary.
4.Happiness is more important than money.

Well, we were a small family. We weren’t rich, but we were a happy family. Now that he is gone, everything seems useless to me. I will always cherish our beautiful memories. Everything left is materialistic.
I think we spend a lot of time running towards money without being happy. Happiness is most important.
5. Fathers are often ignored (They are very underrated).

Now that he’s gone, I have realized what he was going through. We often ignore the little things, the little sacrifices that our fathers make for us every day.
Now that I have started handling things around the house, I have even more respect from him.
Go hug your dad. Tell him how much you love him. Thank him for providing you everything that he could.
6. Helping society is really important. Being social is very important.

I may be decent at programming. I may be somewhat “popular” on social media, but unreality everyone in real life knows me due to my father. He helped thousands of people in real life.
Now that he’s gone those thousands of people will remember him, they will respect him for it. He touched so many hearts and changed so many lives. I hope I grow up to be a man like him.
7. We are all privileged

Every one’s is going through something. We all face our hardships. Respect everyone. Love everyone. Don’t envy. Be polite with everyone. You do not know what they are going through.
8. Live everyday as if it were the last of your life.

You can take this statement incorrectly. Don’t. I hope you can understand the meaning of this statement.
9. We don’t have control over death. But we do have control over life.

My dad never smoked in his life. He never drank alcohol. He was a vegetarian. He provided me with everything that he could. He helped as many people in his lifetime as he could. He chose this life himself.
BUT he did not have control over death. None of us have. Live your life however you want to. But always remember that your life is meaningless if you don’t contribute to the society. Without humanity, we are not humans.

I can spend my entire life thinking about the things I did and didn’t do when he was alive. Or I can carry on with the hopefully happy future and the beautiful memories I have with him.
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