Why I left the white left. A thread:
I'm above that.
I have ascended.
Y'all are racist as fuck
The rakoons over here are something else
I'm sick of white fragility
Other minorities over here be playing games fr fr
I don't want to be part of something that will just stop when their needs are met
Wth was carp? Wat was that.
I rather be with my people 😌
Y'all joke with my life (black lives)
Y'all let people like merrick and dem reach the top. For what ? Pls tell me. For what?
Y'all put your 2¢ in where it doesn't belong, but are silent when it's needed.
I dont want to get snow blindness
I heard leaving gets you clear skin
It's white.
Y'all be mad annoying in the mornings
The micro-aggresions/ aggressions I've experienced are so fucked up
Pale beings scare me... Like ghosts are scary why would I... Nvm
What do y'all even do for fun like...
I can't joke about shit with y'all
Irl I have been surrounded by white supremacists, and also white Leftists, they where the same people...
White Leftists that I have met irl, are like strange.
Y'all like to coddle black people. It's weird. Like deadass stop that shit. Like I'm a dom don't coddle me.
Anyway yeah. Bye
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