There is nothing wrong/vulgar/immoral/evil in a Hindu not greeting another Hindu on a non-Hindu festival.

It is telling that:
1. This needs to be made clear
2. Hindus are being shamed for making this clear

How many Christians wish each other on Diwali or MusIims on Ram Navmi?
Do we greet our clan for the neighbour’s celebrations?Why greet fellow Hindus&not just the followers of that faith?
Why would a Hindu expect another Hindu to celebrate any faith that considers both as sinners who must be converted?
No sense of self/self-respect/self-preservation?
As a Hindu,I’d be naturally focused on my own faith, philosophy, rituals,practices, traditions,festivals, culture & preservation & propagation,thereof!

We must be the only faith that is brainwashed by the state and other agencies against self-preservation & also thought policed!
Imagine an MP,an advocate,an actor and a journo-all targeting a Hindu for merely highlighting the above and accusing him of "spreading hatred".

This is censorship approaching thought policing.
How different is it from the medieval era when proclaiming Hindu faith was offensive.
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