Meruem's Character Development Throughout Chimera Ant Arc (Thread)

Meruem was born as an powerful mutant who knows nothing about love, caring, sympathy humanity, affection or compassion
He wanted to dominate the world , He believed that strong dictate the world and weak people are inferior, he kills innocent children brutally and doesn't used to care for his royal guards who are truly loyal and Obedient to him
So what change him?
It was the moment when he met Kumugi, a Gungi master who was blind and weak but still able to beat him every time they play, he understood the value of human species and wanted to protect her
Throughout the arc, he keeps questioning himself about humanity's worth and value
It was through playing Gungi game with Kumugi and after loosing to her every time he understood that a weak species like humans have a worth to live
He is depicted as an entity between a human and chimera ant and he went through a journey of self discovery throughout the arc
The fact a personality like him slowly and gradually changing because of a mere single human and blind girl who is only good at Gungi was beautiful
Every Gungi game they played showcase their development and their dynamic or relationship progressing
He wasn't able to understand what is going on and how important she became for him
He over and over tried not to change and deny it
But when he decided to kill her he couldn't do it cause she became special to him. On the other side Kumugi was going through her own journey
Someone appreciates her useless talent. She becomes more excited as game progresses coming up with new strategies every moment
Someone respects and treat her well. Her respect for Meruem grew alot
The idea Togashi made her blind is another beautiful aspect of their dynamic
The world is cruel and full of wrongdoings and Meruem is a monster but
she saw him as Meruem than a monster
The black and white side of the humanity is the main aspect of their dynamic
When the castle was attacked, he wasn't concerned about the invaders but her, as he carried her to pitou and instruct her to heal Kumugi at all cost, it was this moment he finally realize how special she is for him
In his fight with Netro, he constantly conveyed his ideology and Netro showed him the potential of human race
After that fight and loosing his memory, there was two final moments which showed how much growth he has in this arc
The moment when Welfin called Kumugi's name it was that specific moment which shows he doesn't care about anything anymore weather someone is human or chimera all he wants is to play with her and spent time with her
He showed empathy towards Welfin,wish him luck and move forward
Showcasing how a character like him change so much
Him bowing down in front of Palm, a King and a superior specie bowing down for a mere human just shows his growth of characterization and development.
At the end, world domination, power or humanity doesn't matter to him
He spent his final moments with a blind human girl he cares about, playing the last game, realizing that this moment is the reason why they both were born in this world and then dying together is the best conclusion of the arc
A cruel creature like him become a human at the end
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