How to break old cycles and access our divine sovereignty

To break those old negative cycles humanity has been trapped in for eternities, we heal and ground ourselves to become as solid as a rock, breaking all incoming waves and moving onto new paths of sovereignty and grace.
Humanity has been inside a narrow infinite loop of pain, trauma, hurt, unconsciousness and dependency which has been repeating over and over again, like a broken record constantly replaying the same dull 8 seconds of a song.
It goes like this: We carry pain and trauma inside of us but instead of focussing inwards, facing our traumas with love and courage, we decide to unconsciously projecting our darkness onto the outside world.
This perpetuates the negative cycles in the first place, as we continue to see our problems in others around us. The question is, how to break free?
If one party involved in a conflict is conscious of these damaging patterns, it can actively decide to not react with an “eye for an eye” mentality but to detach from the situation and react in a different way.
The consciously acting person essentially is akin to a wave breaker at the seashore, a massive solid rock that is unmovable regardless of the waves thrown at it. Eventually, the waves will break and the tide will recede.
In particular, there are a couple of things, every one of us can do to break the negative cycles and move onto new paths:

1. Focus internally
2. Practice forgiveness and gratitude
3. Choose a higher path in conflicts
4. Mix things up
5. Create and build something
1. Focus internally

The best way to help others is to help ourselves. We need to face our darkness by consciously reliving traumatic situations of our past with love and understanding.

Good tools are meditation, journaling, contacting people from our past and counseling.
In our healing process, we often encounter extremely heavy emotions that are hard to endure. But once we muster the courage to allow and just feel those dark emotions, they often are released in an instant thus making room in our bodies.
2. Practice forgiveness and gratitude

Forgiveness, for what we did in the past or for what others have done to us, is akin to cutting energetic cords that bind us like shackles to the past.
Gratitude redirects our focus towards the positive and acts like a magnet to attract more of it thus inviting abundance into our lives.
3. Choose a higher path in conflicts

If drawn into conflicts where the other party is projecting onto you, do not reciprocate and escalate it.

Instead, breathe deeply, detach and observe the situation from a neutral standpoint listening to the subtle signals of your body.
Remove yourself from the situation and meditate about it until you regain clarity.

State your viewpoint from a personal perspective (e.g. “I feel this negatively affects me with regards to..”) in a calm yet firm way. If no agreement can be reached, draw a line and withdraw.
4. Mix things up

We are the creators of our realities and every decision represents a potential turning point in our lives where we can shift onto novel pathways.
By doing things out of the ordinary with a positive intent, we can create massive shifts in our lives, for instance:

- Saying some nice words to the neighbor we had a dispute with last week
- Doing a spontaneous hiking trip in the forest
5. Create and build something

Through our healing, we create a lot of space within us to receive uplifting energy and inspiration.

This is an opportunity to put some ideas into action and start new projects, e.g. from fulfilling a childhood dream to starting a side-business.
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