Merry Christmas Hellers! Here's your reminder that Dean and Cas are alive and well and celebrating Christmas with Sam, Eileen, Jack, Claire, Kaia and Jody. They are playing silly games, eating too much and opening presents. They watched Die Hard last night before bedtime. +
They are all happy, healthy, and very much alive. But they did hear about Chuck attempting to republish the SPN books but the fans have been complaining at the terrible ending. Dean was pretty scandalised hearing about dying on a rebar. He would never be so dumb in reality. +
Instead he makes a bunch of bad penetration jokes until Cas manages to shut him up by promising the fun kind of penetration later on. Sam groans. This is his life now. But at least its better than a bad wig and a blurry wife. He brushes that thought away with a kiss from Eileen.+
Its a beautiful Christmas in the Winchester household. No vampire mimes, rebars, or bad wigs in sight.
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