
Defending & Attacking Structure of Set-pieces — Man Utd. #MUFC
#MUFC had 4 corners vs #MCI zonal 5-3 system
- 3/4 made 1st touch by using a simple routine:

2-3 staggering:

- 2 make near-side runs from blindside
- manipulate defenders' timing to jump
- + 3 runners from deep
- pull 2nd line to open the near side
Defending a set-piece. 5-4 staggering. (Not ideal)

- 5 zonal areas (Center, far-post, near-post)
- 4 blockers on runners from deep
- 1 for short played corner.
Another example:

- Organization here not clear.
- Zonal + Man-marking
- Maguire position confusing.
- 4 zonal + 2 blockers + 2 (Greenwood+Fred) others for runners from depth.
Another example:

- Hybrid of Zonal+man-marking
- 6-3 staggering
- 6 zonal markers and 3 blockers.
- No far post cover as zonal line moves for ball
- Center + Lindelöf exposed.

Set-piece setup - defensively - is terribly executed. +No cover to far-post runners. #MUFC
A brilliant throw-in from #MUFC for their 2nd goal vs Leeds:

- manipulate & stretch last line with initial setup
- Ws inside & ST wide
- opposite mov. to create space
- inside pass to pull CBs OOP
- run from deep to exploit space behind
Winner vs. Southampton:

- Stretch def. line with Maguire and Matic as aerial threats & attention shifts away from Cavani.
- MR10 stays wide for creative delivery.
- Maguire blocks last def cover to give MR10 as 1sec extra for delivery. #MUFC
#mufc's corner def. routine vs Southampton that led to equalizer in July.

- Fred didn't track a runner
- Lindelöf not keeping zonal line of 5 in shape.
- AWB pushed into Maguire's zonal area.
- Blindside run from Bertrand.
- MR & Matic react late.
#MUFC has tried several ideas in set-pieces with different zonal setups and a mix of zonal and man-marking. They switched up with different personal as well. The main trending issue is lack of concentration, reacting and tracking. They need to be a bit more physical as well.
Some of the players get easily pushed or bullied in defending corners. #MUFC are much better in their offensive setups as they get the first touch/header many times - the delivery is not perfect though. Too many headers go wide.

End. #MUFC
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