Elkie’s Legal Letter to Cube for Contract Termination- Translation Thread

Mistreatments are stated in the legal letter

To Cube Entertainment
The law firm is under the commission of Ms Chong Ting Yan and appoints lawyer to issue you this letter about the matters of terminating the exclusive contract between Ms Chong and your company as per followings:
According to Ms Chong ‘s statement and provided materials, it is shown that Ms Chong signed the exclusive contract with your company in Feb 2016. It was stated that your company would be the exclusive agency to manage Ms Chong’s entertainment activities. After the contract
was signed, Ms Chong’s joined the girl idol group CLC, actively fulfilled the responsibilities according to contract, obeyed your company’s arrangements and devoted herself in trainings for acting skills. However, Ms Chong claimed your company violated multiple terms & conditions
when fulfilling the contract, mainly as per below

1. During the contract period, all Ms Chong’s entertainment incomes were collected by your company first. However, your company has never revealed the actual details of the incomes to Ms Chong.
2. Since signing the contract, Ms Chong actively fulfilled her contract obligations and attended different entertainment schedules arranged by your company. However, apart from paying for the copyright income to Ms Chong, your company did not pay Ms Chong her acting income
according to article 6.4 on the contract

This means Elkie was never paid for her role in The Rich Son 😱
3. Due to your company’s management and structural changes, your company clearly informed CLC members that you would no longer support CLC’s group development in Feb 2020. Since then, your company also did not provide reasonable planning for Ms Chong’s entertainment business’
position and development path with due diligence. Your company used actual actions to show that you would no longer fulfil the contract.
Based on above situation, your company’s actions are already equal to violation of the contract and actually limiting Ms Chong’s development in the entertainment business.
To conclude to above, I (the lawyer) accepted Ms Chong’s commission and issued this letter on her behalf
1. From the day your company received this letter, the exclusive contract is terminated between your company and Ms Chong.
2. Within 15 days of your company receiving this
letter, please return by letter of Ms Chong’s income details during the contract period and contact to conduct the settlement.
3. If you company refuse to follow as per letter’s content, my side will use all legal means to protect our rights.
This letter is make public by the lawyer himself/ herself with all the correct formatting and necessary contact information, so it’s highly unlikely to be a fake letter.
Link of the legal letter:
I also looked up the law firm. It is a legit law firm, not fake or small. It’s a well-established law firm which has worked with some famous Chinese companies and local governments.
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