Do not avoid a lady you found amazing, just because you want a tall lady and she is short, or you want a fair lady and she is dark. Most of the marriages that has worked out are far from who they initially set as their spec.

Check around you or ask some amazing couples out there, you will hear something like, though I initially prefer a fair skin lady but you see this my woman, she is everything to me to such that fair skin doesn't even matter to me anymore.
In the last few years, people have tend to marry for the society, and that's the major causes of most of the marriages that didn't work.
Money is mostly not always the problem, but they tend to see that their partner didn't have anything else to offer in the marriage other than the physique they they marriage for, then they begin to have problem here and there.
You want him or her to be the best for you, I hope you are also working on your part to be the best for him /her too?.
Don't just wait for your spouse to coe, also work on your part so he/she can find you amazing. Remember, who you want can deny, if he/she doesn't find you deserving enough.
In a nutshell, your desire to make selection should be for manners, values and peity, while other things follows. May God grant us the best of spouse.
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