SHIT! It’s happening, guys!!!

D5X5 = December 25!!!

C before D! Christmas before declas!

10 days. Brings us to January 3/4. Before the Georgia elections. Before the Pence Card.

We NEED to know the Truth by then.

Jan. 6. MILLIONS IN DC to assure the Trump win!!!!
Santa Claus comes for us (the good boys and girls!) with the gift of TRUTH!

And the Deep State players will get a lump of coal in their stocking (indictments!!!)

The Christmas Star! The Age of Aquarius! Christmas on a Friday.

55: The Storm is Upon Us tweet.

55=5x5=25, D25!!!
Think about Trump's language!

"We're going to say, 'Merry Christmas!'" again!"

"I wish her well!"

Same thing, right. But, in both cases he's saying, "Go to Hell, Deep State!"

Imagine getting indicted on Christmas! Or imagine DECLASS starting on Christmas!

Haha, that's...
Trump's way of saying, "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!" to the Deep State!

Trump also has spoken about the miracle of Christ. And the miracle of Christmas.

Another way to remind people of the TRUTH that is born on this day!!!

Merry Christmas, indeed!!!
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