Sri Vaishnavism does not require reforms. In my opinion it is a correct interpretation of Sastras. Key take away is this
1. Bhagavad Ramanuja had scores of students under his wings most of them were from 'other varnas'
2.Pillai Uranga Villi Dasar swamy, Vaduga Nambi Swamy
3. Swamy Ramanuja's point was to find a Sastrically sanctioned way so that all people irrespective of one's varna could attain Moksha. The concept of Kainkaryam , Acharya Abhimanam are the alternatives.
Thus other varna people have every other alternatives with them Bhagavatha kainkaryam, listening to Ramayana and its rahasya arthams Mahabharata and its Rahasya arthams. The only thing that is not allowed is doing yagnas etc. Just to be clear kainkaryam is more important.
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