Reminder while you watch "It's a Wonderful Life" that Jimmy Stewart, playing the guy who didn't go off to war, was in real life a real damn war hero. He flew bombing missions over Europe and rose from private to colonel in just four years. His service continued after the war...
and he remained in the service until 1968, retiring only when forced to do so. He retired a brigadier general, having flown on bombing missions in Vietnam as well. He rarely spoke of his service, or the fact that he's the highest-ranking actor in American history.
He flew combat missions over Europe because he actively avoided using his movie star status to land a cushy assignment. He was the first major movie star to enlist during WWII. He actively lobbied for combat assignments.
Also he was a dog lover and amateur poet who wrote a poem about his dog that made Johnny Carson cry on the air. He was a philanthropist, patriot, class act, and incredible actor. One of the best.
He was also a direct descendant of a veteran of the American Revolution.

Here's a good quote to leave on:

"I often wished I were just like (Jimmy Stewart)" - President Ronald Reagan
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