Why is Santa Claus named so? Let's find out.

If you translate Santa then it would appear to be Saint (albeit a feminine saint), but this is not so. Christians will claim he is called St. Nicholas but his day (Dec 6th)is the same day as Krampusnacht (a pagan holiday).
So it can't be associated with the 24th (Which is Mothers night), so he must be someone else. This is where we actually get Sinterklaas. He also has his helper who is called Svart Piet.

Now let's look at Piet's name, or rather Svart. Svart translates as Black, or dark.
Svart Piet is a dwarf, or a dark elf. Here is where we get the connection of "Santa" having elves as his helpers. Elfs are derived from alvør, or alba. Meaning white. They are the spirits of the dead (notice how ghosts are described as being white). We know the elves make the
Presents the child (reborn ancestor) will receive (from a past life).

Now we know the role of the elves, let's move onto Santa. Santa as we know represents Odin, and his clothing is a clue to his role. He represents the 3 stages (birth, life, and death), and his gift to himself
Is himself (being reborn). His hat represents the placenta. His red colours represents blood of the ancestors, and the white his spirit. His sack containing the gifts (his past life possessions) and the sack itself represents the burial mound (ergo they are hidden from view).
Now we know the role of "Santa", let's go into his (or rather Odin's) with a bit more detail. We know that Odin sacrifices himself to himself, therefore being reborn. He then lives, and then dies, once again "sacrificing" himself to be reborn again, completing the cycle or wheel.
Now where have we heard wheel from. Did you guess it? That's right. Yule!

Now you know. A blessed yule to all my followers! Hope you enjoy my present.

PS. I have done this both with what I have learned, but also from what I have learned from two people in particular:
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