The amount of people on this site that think Ivy League is a right and not a very expensive luxury, is deeply troubling.

Look here, buttwipe: I'm not subsidizing your poor life choice to get a degree that costs $80K or more that you're gonna find out is worthless when you're done.

Community college? Fine.
Like 99% of these leftist kids who scream about student loans and debt are utter morons who took out loans they knew they could never pay back, just to get a piece of paper that says "Harvard" or "Yale" on it.
It's not about the education for these people. The educational value is debatable, but it's not about that.

It's about social status.

They want to feel "special".
They want to go show all their little friends at the country club that diploma.

"Hey mom and dad, I'm not worthless after all!"
Look, if you tie your existence to whether or not you got into/graduated from an Ivy League school: you have serious psychological issues that would be best resolved in therapy.
It's not the government's job to pay for the educational equivalent of a new BMW just for you to realize it wasn't worth it to begin with.
You know there's an old saying: "work makes worth".

Personally, if you've never worked retail or on a family farm, I don't want to hear boo from you about poverty or debt or college.
The grifter far left is exclusively rich socialites who refuse to "lower themselves" to menial jobs because it might cause them to break a sweat or a nail.

Then they turn around and shout about workers.

Stop fucking with us.
Okay, some podcaster in Brooklyn whose parents own two houses and went to Creme De La Creme as a child, does not have the right to go around demanding you or I pay for their sociology degree at a premium school.
Most people in this country never even travel out of their own state, okay.

They don't give a shit about your lily-white, powdered and pampered life in the fucking Hamptons.

Don't even try to pretend you're like everyone else.
And naturally, when you've lived a life that privileged, it leads you to be a hedonistic, greedy bastard who doesn't care about the consequences of their actions for those they view as lesser than themselves:

Like this guy.
Or this person:
Or this one:
Really, take your pick! There's hundreds to choose from!

And they're. All. The. Same.
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