This thread will debunk "the judges didn't look at evidence" nonsense that has been going around.

Over and over again, judges have gone out of their way to listen to the evidence and dismantle it, enjoy the carnage!

Bowyer v. Ducey (Sidney Powell's case in Arizona)

"Plaintiffs have not moved the
needle for their fraud theory from conceivable to plausible"

This is a great opinion to start with. The Judge completely dismantles the nonsense brought before her.

King vs. Whitmer (Michigan, Sidney Powell case)

"Nothing but speculation and conjecture"

This is a good one to show people who think affidavits are good evidence. Notice how the affidavits don't actually say they saw fraud happen in Detroit.

Trump v. Benson (Michigan)

"hearsay within hearsay"

Another good one to show people who think affidavits are absolute proof.

Law v. Whitmer (Nevada case backed by the Trump Campaign)

Literally the last four pages just show the utter lack of evidence of fraud of any kind. No point in highlighting everything!

Constantio v. Detroit

This is another good one showing that the people being accused of fraud sign affidavits too. And they are far more trustworthy than rumors and innuendo. If the accusers had just shown up to training!

Arizona Republican Party v. Fontes

"A theory for which no evidence exists"

"the real issue" was not fraud, but "the outcome of the election"


Ward v. Jackson (Arizona)

"the challenge fails to present any evidence of misconduct [or] illegal votes”

I will definently add to this thread as I come across new cases. Please feel free to suggest them!

Also, I will probably do a thread that goes over the courts finding that the States did NOT break their own election laws, so let me know if you will find that useful!
I've had several commenters say the "statistical anomalies" weren't heard by judges. So I will prove that judges heard that "evidence". This is from the filing for the defense in Feehan v WEC (Wisconsin), this will be a two part tweet

The previous tweet shows that the "experts" are no such thing, and this tweet will address the "statistical anomalies" they thought they had found. I will actually have a third tweet to put the final nail in the "statistical anomalies" coffin.

Feehan v WEC (Wisconsin)cont.

Third tweet proving that judges did see the "statistical anomalies" claims, and utter debunking them.

It's just a joy to read rational thought! When reading Sidney Powells claims, you forget what a blessing having
a rational brain is.

Feehan v WEC (Wisconsin)cont.
Just started a thread on the latest court rulings regarding States violating their own laws, or the Constitution.

The Judges are pretty clear: it did not happen.
Also going to post this here in case someone is worried about what might happen on Jan 6th

Hint: the election is over.
One last thing! Screenshot the reactions you get to this thread and I'll repost them here for the lolz.

We've had 4 years of them trolling us, let's at least get some souvenirs over the next 25 days...
Adding this thread about what the laws say WILL HAPPEN on January 6th.
My credentials are that I'm an AMERICAN!
The Judges are lying? Even the Trump appointed ones?
It's interesting how many of the people are so desperate to throw away the Constitution.
Someone didn't read the thread to see the Judge's opinions on the evidence...
I literally put it in a thread for you to read! Just one click away would prove that statement true...
I linked to the opinion on each one. Scroll to the bottom of the opinion to see the Judge's signature.
You're telling me that the judges are lying when they say they looked at the evidence?
All 60 of them were wrongly dismissed? I mean, come on, those are worse odds than Trump winning!
Wait, so the evidence isn't good enough to actually go to discovery or trial?

That's not good if you want to convince America that fraud happened.
Damn. Well, I guess I stand corrected...
Didn't you just respond?
The projection is strong with this one!

Just because you are okay with your side cheating, doesn't mean other people are. Also, I didn't vote for Biden
It's almost like... didn't actually read the thread that showed the judges opinions on the evidence.
I literally linked to each opinion. Just click on it and scroll to the bottom. You can see the Judge's signature yourself.
What recitation was erroneous?

I made a claim: that judges looked at the evidence

I proved it by showing what the Judges said about the evidence. This isn't rocket science
Yeah, the guy is a nutjob like the rest of the experts. He didn't even proved proof that he hacked the machines.

He also did not invent the QR code.
1) The evidence not being good enough for discovery isn't going to convince anyone that fraud happend

2) Now do all the Trump appointees on the list
They are doing the biggest, most comprehensive audit in the history of the state. And when it comes back and proves you wrong, you will just move on to some other conspiracy.

And the election was an open book.
The documents are literally from the court themselves.

It doesn't matter who hosts them!
These aren't the "smallest things" these are judges going over the evidence in detail.
No one cares what Maga's think anymore.
The delusional ravings of a madman.

Precincts record their totals digitally and physically on paper. They send it to the County who store the totals digitally and physically. They send it to the State who stores the totals digitally and physically.
I don't need the existence of gravity investigated to know it exists.

Some things are obvious lies and distortions. This is one of those things. Some of the allegations were concerning, this one is not.
Well this was a new excuse for people not to look at the evidence!
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