Been ~30 days or so since I’ve had alch. I bet a friend I could go all of December without it

A few days in, I realized I already hadn’t had any for a week or so

So for the at least 30 days it’s been, here are 30 things I’ve realized/experienced so far:
1. So much wasted time
2. So much wasted money
3. A ton of “friends” are just drinking buddies
4. Metabolism kicked into overdrive
5. Better sleep
6. Better focus
7. Increased motivation
8. Faster muscle recovery
9. Not drinking is easy af
10.Eliminated drunk munchies
11.Late night cravings disappeared in general
12.Easier to stay hydrated
13.Better digestion
14.Less acid reflux
15.Clearer skin
http://16.Hair  growth
17.Less anxiety
18.Drinking cheap booze in a basement isn’t my fav setting
19.Alcohol is everywhere wtf
20. Getting hammered fri-sat, working through the week, and repeating will make life flash before your eyes
21.Initial increase of other vices, followed by mindfulness and controlled consumption
22. You’re not missing anything by not drinking
23. There are definitely high level connections made over drinks
24. Far more consistency in new habits
25. Overall mood increase
26. Return of profound thoughts (ready to start sharing them again)
27. Better memory/retention
28. If they don’t hit you up to chill just cause you’re not drinking, they’re not your boy
29. Some mood swings as brain seemed to level out
30. Going out and getting plastered is still fine, don’t get it twisted. Just live it up within reason
Long story short, not drinking (though it was only 30 days with a few more to go) is easy and everyone should do it at one point

The temptation isn’t that bad and if it is, you should seek help

I also don’t know what to attribute to not drinking or general self-development
All in all, I’ll be drinking considerably less through 2021

And the $100 I win will cover the Azul I buy for New Years

Good looks, Taras
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