Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Attorney General Rod Rosen.
Attorney General Rosen, yeah, that sounds right. No one ever said the first one🤣🤣🤣
So close Rod😉
Did the President ever give you special permission to use classified info? Ouch, didn't think so.
Happy Holidays👍
Here, I feel bad for you, so I got you something for Christmas. You can land this one all day long 👍👍👍s
So, how many "investigations" were you running against President Trump? You shut down the "Italian Job" when it implicated Obama/Biden, others.
And now you're upset because "Partially Erect" Biden won't give you an imaginary position in his semi lucid administration.
When ATTORNEY GENERAL ROSEN does the job you couldn't/wouldn't, and he does it without lying and wearing a wire, I sincerely hope he appoints Sidney Powell as Special Prosecutor, because I will give her Every Scrap of info I have on you and your corrupt friends.
All markers are being called. The"dragon is in the Depot".
The "Sin Eater" is awake/ hungry and you're on the menu.
Enjoy your night 🖕
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