hey #pluralgang can we stop saying "OSDD" when we actually mean "OSDD-1"? OSDD covers lots of different symptoms and experiences and we should stop erasing those other diagnoses just because it's two characters shorter. - a system with OSDD-2
for those unaware, OSDD has 5 subtypes: -1a, -1b, -2, -3, & -4. they each encompass different dissociative symptoms, identity disturbance, and long-term results. only -1a & -1b are inherently plural.
y'all know OSDD-1a & OSDD-1b, but lemme give y'all a primer in the other OSDD diagnoses. here's an overview: http://traumadissociation.com/osdd 
OSDD-2 is identity disturbance due to long term brainwashing, indoctrination, and other intense forms of manipulation. think being held captive for a long period of time, growing up in a cult, etc etc.
OSDD-3 is a short term diagnosis for severe dissociative symptoms that only last for a short time following a trauma. it's usually under a month.
OSDD-4 is a pretty nebulous one, but basically, it's a complete lack (or narrowing) of awareness of ones environment. literally just a trance state that can't be explained with drugs or religious practices.
OSDD, by nature, describes lots of different experiences, and it's misleading to use it as a synonym OSDD-1. obviously, these diagnoses can influence a system's function or creation—can confirm personally—but it's a petty beef we have with a lot of the community.
#pluralgang, #pluraltalk, and other inclusive system communities feel free to reblog, system gatekeepers and anti-endo folks don't fuck with this post. I am discussing medical things yes but I don't want clowns on this thread
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