I have a somewhat unceremoniously nuanced perspective on foreign aid, which is not only is it a definitively positive aspect of global cooperation, but that aid should be contingent on a State's human rights record. However, we don't have much of a moral high ground for that.
Does this mean we reject international law entirely and take the Blackpill? I don't think so. Naturally the goal should be to elect civil libertarians who believe in dismantling the abusive institutions of our Government, while also promoting development elsewhere.
Practically speaking though this is difficult to do. We don't have a President-Elect who believes in the abolition of ICE, or the prosecution of administration officials who sanctioned torture or starvation on human beings, or any radical steps to change the mechanisms of justice
and it's unlikely that we're going to anytime soon actually take any of these steps. Lecturing other countries on their records thus seems hypocritical; and in a sense it is because all states believe they exercise the legitimate use of violence themselves. Alas, we still work.
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