A few years ago, on Xmas Eve, I tweeted a simple thought experiment. I never imagined the volume or intensity of response it would generate, but it was clear that it had illuminated a discussion worth having. Revisiting it each Dec 24th has become something of a tradition. [1]
Having done this a few times now, I'd like to include some useful context:

1. A thought experiment is a hypothetical scenario that enables theoretical examination of the consequences or result of a particular variable - it's not a call to action. So please, settle down sirs. [2]
2. The exercise is intended to examine the ways disparate gendered experiences affect the lives of women. It is absolutely not intended to suggest that women are not simultaneously affected by other types of harm, or that women don't harm one another. We do. Not immaterially. [3]
3. The hypothetical occurs over 24 hours. It's unnecessary to explain that it would be problematic if half the population were Thanos'd, because that's not what we're doing here. Men, nor all traces of their existence, are not going to vanish. They literally don't know how. [4]
4. Lastly, (though not exhaustively), Trans women are women, and are thus part of the "women" category here. Because they are women. So that makes sense.

If you would like to contribute regarding disparate gender experiences as a trans man, you are welcome.

Ok here we go. [5]
Women, imagine that for 24 hours, there were no men in the world.

No men are being harmed in the creation of this hypothetical. They will all return. They are safe and happy wherever they are during this hypothetical time period.

What would change? What would you do that day?
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