// nsfw warning

what is sexualisation and where is the line? [a thread]
so a lot of people have been talking about sexualisation of creators, specifically about dreams recent photo and many people were confused about where the line lay.

of course your line will vary from person to person but I'm gonna give you a general guide to what is and
isn't sexualisation! let's go!
- calling someone attractive isn't sexualisation

just saying "they're hot" or "they're pretty" isn't sexualisation. unless the person has explicitly said they aren't comfortable with that then it's generally considered a pretty neutral statement
- saying someone has a nice figure isn't sexualisation

it can be a bit weird depending on how you go about it but just saying someone has a nice body/ are toned/ have nice arms etc isnt sexualising them
- talking about that creator in a sexual act is sexualisation

for example saying "imagine dream in bed" or "imagine dream and George going at it" is sexualisation and DEFINITELY needs an NSFW tag at best.

this goes for any creator and a lot of creators aren't comfortable
with this for fairly obvious reasons
- commenting on a creators gential area or other sexual organs is sexualisation

firstly this is very weird, please don't do this and it's definitely sexualising them. creators are human and it's absolutely disrespectful to look at a creators photo and say "he looks
like he's packing".

it's especially weird if you're a minor
- treating them like an object is objectification and can be sexualisation

remember creators are human and should be treated as such.

by treating them as object or as fictional characters is not right as it can lead to a very dangerous and idolising mindset, especially when
you're young.
- commenting on a creators clothing isn't sexualisation however the line can definitely be crossed if you say things like "I wish they wore tighter clothes so we could see everything" or "why are they wearing such sexy clothes"

remember just because someone is wearing
particular clothing doesn't give you the right to talk about them in a sexualising manor.
- making jokes isn't sexualisation however saying something nsfw with no punchline and hiding behind a /j definitely is

for example "dream sucking George's dick /j" is straight up just nsfw and completely sexualising
now to end this thread:

I know dream and George are okay with sexualisation etc however many on the timeline find it extremely uncomfortable and often very fetishizing of mlm relationships.

I don't want to speak for dream or George or any creator but for others in
our community please keep these comments on your private /in DMS or at the very least add an nsfw warning.

and remember, while dream and George are okay with this many creators haven't given their consent to be sexualised in such a way and as such you should not
do that to them, it's completely immoral.

anyway add your thoughts below and I hope that helped! /srs
just adding on here!

please don't attack anyone over this. instead try and educate and inform them about what they're doing.

sending hate only makes both sides upset so please please don't do that!
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