For the next instalment of our #womenincider #noappleogies series, we spoke to Chava from @welsh_cider, who is a producer and COO there.
Chava - you are from California and a female in a very male dominated industry. Were you into cider pre-Welsh Mountain and how did you get into it and why?

“I am from wine country in CA. There used to be orchards everywhere, but they were grubbed up to make way for vineyards...”
“I always thought this was a shame and wanted to do more with apples. I came to the UK to learn about cider making, and ended up joining Bill to form WMC.“
Are there glass ceilings in the cider industry for women and for that matter people of ethnic origin?

“There are glass ceilings everywhere, and the cider industry is no exception. Cider-making is essentially a continuous tradition in this country...”
“...and the challenge is to preserve the traditions but not the prejudices and preconceptions.”
Cider has been scraping the barrel of the alcohol industry for some time. Is that about to change and why?

“Cider has only been known in countries with unbroken cider traditions. In the US, prohibition brought an end to cider and this limited the development of the industry.”
“...With global travel and social media, people all over the world are now embracing the potential of cider.”
What’s special about ciders and the way that you make them at Welsh Mountain?

“Our ciders are 100% juice, naturally fermented, and cellar aged until we are happy with them, often 3-5 years...”
“...Our orchard is at altitude and organically managed giving amazing fruit that produces cider that reflects our exceptional terroir.”
Are there any key initiatives that the cider and drinks industry could be doing to break down the barriers for women and people of black and ethnic minorities?

“I think that all cider companies, big and small should encourage volunteers and interns from diverse backgrounds...”
“ give a start to people who might not otherwise get the chance to learn. I started by volunteering and now I've been making cider for over ten years.”

#noappleogies #womenincider
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