200 Year Clash of Culture & Class:

The Black Aristocracy & The Black Lower Classes

[History Thread]
Believe it or not, but there has always been a class of Rich Black Americans.

A class of Black Americans who either obtained Status & Wealth or were born into it.

The Elite was divided into 2 groups: The Old Guard & The Newcomers.

Basically, Old Money vs New Money.
The Old Guard were the "top tier" of the Black Elite.

They did their absolute best to isolate themselves from the greater Black American Community.

Why? Because your status in society was directly effected by your family's role in Slavery.
The closer you were to a "Free Black" or European (White) ancestry, you were able to move about society with more privilege than the average Black American Ex-Slave.

This distinction was crucial in intra-racial solidarity.

This is when the beef starts cooking.
These Black Elites began building small enclaves within the Black Community (map below).

They'd build clusters of (nicer) homes among themselves and away from their lower classed counterparts, in the same neighborhood.

It was even worse socially...
The Black Elite Church was basically "Rich Blacks Only".

Seriously, you were not allowed in the house of the Lord if you were broke, b.

They’d ask who you were at the door.

Your family name, your profession, your address, your education mattered more than your love for God.
In 1897, an Upper Class Minister in ATL invited the "masses" to his church, but reassured his congregation that the "plainest people" wouldn't think this was an invitation to their "private social functions".

In other words...

"Them broke n*ggas not getting in. Don’t worry.”
Not only that, the Black Elite would create these exclusive social clubs that were damn near impossible to join.

If you were a lower class Black American, you'd be lucky to get a job as a janitor, let alone a membership.

In fact, the Elite weaponized them.
To turn away Blacks that recently migrated from the South during the Great Migration, a Black Elite Group named their club:

"Boston's Society of the Descendants of Early New England Negroes"

Obnoxiously long ass names like this were the norm, b.

(Look at the MC for the night).
The Old Guard was a “Blavity Black’s” wet dream. They practiced unconscious colorism, self hate, respectability politics and all the things they accuse people of today.

The Old Guard deadass believed the lower class blacks were to blame for the racism they faced.
In 1890, a Black Louisiana Senator opposed a segregation bill.

Not because of the racism, but because it would "force cultured and wealthy colored people to associate with the worst class of Negro element..."

A Black Senator said this, b.

The Newcomer Class of the Elite like Booker T. Washington took a more inclusive approach to their resources.

They also fought against systemic racism at much higher rates than the Old Guard.

The Old Guard gravitated towards WEB Du Bois, which is unsurprising given the history.
The Lower Black Classes didn't take this disrespect like chumps, they shot back.

They called the NAACP "an organization of self serving elitists with no more concern for the masses than the Boule."

Journalists used to roast the elites all the time.
In 1877, a Black Journalist, John E. Bruce spoke on the founders and members of the National Association of Colored Women in publications.

He said their families "wouldn't be caught dead with an ordinary negro". He didn't stop there.
Bruce would go on to say that the Black American Aristocracy was a

“Sham & tinsel. Possessing minimal wealth, no influence, and doubtful ancestry."

Black Elites weren't as rich as White Elites, but were richer than Poor Blacks and Whites.
The economic lines between Rich & Poor Black Americans began to fade as time pressed on, but the social lines mostly stayed the same.

Rich Blacks still alienate Poor Blacks in many ways. Poor Blacks resent & reject Rich Black in many ways.
As you can see, this "beef" has been going on in the Community for centuries. Let's not keep repeating this history.

I truly believe if the classes come together, we could have the society we've always wanted and deserved.

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