Close (and Magical) Encounters with Nature, a thread. When it got just light enough to see outside this morning, I noticed a Pine Siskin sitting in the feeder, all floofed up. I thought it must have pulled cold-morning food-sentry duty. (1/x)
I jumped to this conclusion because I have discovered that Pine Siskins are the bird equivalent of teen boys. They arrive in a mob and eat you out of house and home in under 5 minutes.
They are *also* very martial. Other small birds don't even try it if a siskin is in the feeder because the siskin will *cut* you. So when I saw a chickadee land in the feeder, it made me take notice. The siskin was very torpid.
I want outside, walked right up to the feeder to check on it. It didn't move. It had tucked its head in its feathers and watched me coming, then it closed it's eyes. Now I'm worried. đŸ„ș
I gave it a gentle stroke & it was so listless I worried it was going perish in the feeder. I got a kitchen towel and plucked out the bird to try and warm it. It didn't flap or squawk, though one of its flock came to investigate. (And eat. These birds are bold AF.)
I wrapped it and blew through the towel to give it some warmth. I could see its heartbeat but it was still so lethargic I brought it inside for a bit.
After 10-15 minutes in my hand, it started to recover.
And then it seemed to realize, "Hey...I'm not in Bird-Kansas anymore." I figured things were improving when it spat out a mystery piece of sunflower seed shell and munched the seed. Okay, then.
I took it back outside and returned it to the feeder, Borb looking rather discombobulated by the whole experience. (The transfer earned me a peck on the thumb, though. I took it as a good sign.)
After a minute, it started hopping around and eating, then it flapped to a branch. Then it flew off.

Hope you made it home safe and sound, little Pine Siskin. (/end)
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