1/ U.K. and EU Brexit negotiators have reached a last-minute trade deal, averting a disorderly divorce with days to spare.

Here’s what will change on Jan. 1, and what it means for businesses (thread) ⬇️ https://trib.al/3V6YlTH 
2/ The trade deal between Britain and the European Union comes as a relief for many businesses.

But while it may mitigate some of the worst disruption they face, it won't be a full substitute for membership of the bloc. https://bloom.bg/3nPcFpl 
4/ Changes have landed days before the Brexit transition period ends on Dec. 31, giving businesses little time to prepare.

That's left British firms pleading for a grace period to help them adjust. https://trib.al/dkC7KrO 
5/ The financial services industry also faces months of uncertainty.

The City of London’s fate rests on a separate process called equivalence. Access is granted by the EU, remains far from certain, and could be withdrawn at any time. https://trib.al/yO7JTR8 
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