Patriots... Lets talk U Voters:
There are 5 types of U Voters identified in AZ
1 through 5 (1 Strong Republican, 2 Moderate Republican, 3 Swing, 4 Moderate Democrat, 5 Strong Democrat)
U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 assume each number ties out to this.
In AZ out of 463,659 U Voters were
Identified. Watch this Symmetry:
U1 14,225
U2 122,203
U3 186,202
U4 120,409
U5 20,620
Amazing Bell Curve Right? What is wild is across the ages of 18-100, the overall average of the correlations between these #PhantomSleeperVoters in AZ was 94.86%
U1 : U2 : 92.58%
U1 : U3 : 88.51%
U1 : U4 : 94.46%
U1 : U5 : 95.16%
U2 : U3 : 95.88%
U2 : U4 : 96.95% My favorite Moderate Dems and Moderate Republicans.. Hold hands and Move in almost perfect tandem. 122,203 U2 and 120,409 U4
U2 : U5 : 92.69%
U3 : U4 : 98.2141% - Wow Swing Voters are almost perfectly tied to Moderate Democrats too! Why not just make a cool 100% guys...
U3 : U5 : 95.99%
U4 : U5 : 98.2184% - Had to take it 4 spots so you can see something is horribly wrong with these Digital Soldier Voters.
The average of these correlations is 94.87%
I have received some grief that People don't believe it, this isn't enough "hard evidence". How does this prove anything. My response is the same... Please look up the definition of Correlation... Look up the odds that something
is correlated this highly one 463,659 voters. If U voters showed up randomly at different ages, it would closer to 60 percent correlation. Men are correlated at about 63.83% and Women about 58.03% with 30% + Volatility. U Voters have a volatility of 2.98%. I believe McCain
kicked this off and helped Bush win in 2000, which is why I think he betrayed the People of Arizona and the American Public. I am embarrassed, as I donated $1200 to Bush back in 2000 and voted for both Bush and McCain (or did I?) Perhaps my vote was annihilated if they cut
back room deals to have "certain elections outcomes" back then. Either way, its all very disturbing. We have been cheated by both Parties... this time around in 2020, more so by Democrats, but in the past, Republicans outcheated Democrats. This has to Stop! #HonestElections
This scene reminds me of what we might be up against....
The Correlation is ages 18-100 across the 5 types of Voter Classifications. The quantity of voters in each of those age buckets.
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