#BrexitDeal thread: Right tone from @spikedonline
"Is it the real thing? What have we compromised?...why would something as simple as Brexit, as Britain restoring its sovereign, democratic power...require 2,000 pages of text, which is how long the trade deal is? And yet...1/4
sometimes, like today, we have to...recognise something incredibly important – we did it; we made Brexit happen, against all the odds."

So I'd urge Leavers not to be churlish even if we need to be vigilant, to understand what an impressive democratic achievement this is. 2/4
The establishment in Brussels AND Westminster have been forced to accept the popular will. This is a rare event in history. People can - and today have - changed history.

Not naïve. Of course, the devil is in the detail of those 2000 pages. However... 3/4
there is plenty here to celebrate for those who believe in national AND popular sovereignty. That will do for Christmas. The rest, such as making coastal communities a focus for UK investment, can be left to inform fights we choose to take on in 2021 https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/12/24/brexiteers-we-did-it/ 4/4
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