Moors in america
Mind the words Black and indian both dont really apply to our people
To give a little clarity to that,Misnomers were used to break our people up in the first place. Think about this the next time they get you emotionally wrapped up in being called colored or black.
To clarify the moorish flag over here in the empire is older than the one they use in the kingdom
Peep the various fezes and turbans in these photos as well
When we get into the moors of mexico alot of mexican people reveal the fact that they are unaware we are the same people. Difference is they are mixed with light skin Spaniards and conquistadors. However the pure blood line is represented in the people they call "afro mexican"
To clarify, under christianity they killed do manny people and brainwashed so many others that it became a trend to corrupt the bloodline. With few dark moors left to choose from they intermixed with the Spaniards but didnt completely destroy the bloodline
One way or another however the Aztecs/ dark mexicans (or at least alot of them) found there way north and mixed with the northern moors, hence why you have aztec/mayan features with beards. A trait not usually found among them.
In the north There are 3 ways others took over the culture One was to pay 5 dollars to be listed as a Indian. These are your blond hair blue eyed "pretend-dians" today. The ones with asian features are mixed with us giving them legitimacy to the tribes.but moors are the original.
With records changed,history distorted and us being taken as prisoners of war, it's quite the coincidence that the majority of our people have a story about a fire back in the day that destroyed our records.Thus our our grandparents were the only ones to tell us our real story
This land properly belongs to the moorish people and their indian associates but you see the difference in status. Think of the relationship like the druids with the celts , the druids seated or deposed kings, stoped wars by just showing up and ruled the land in toto. Same here.
Now in ancient moorish american history we get into things like egypt being over here orginally before the great flood sank the land bridge between america and the continent of Ethiopia.
Egypt was set up in america before the great flood to persevere the knowledge from the coming disaster. After the flood and the sinking of that land a colony was set up over on the continent of Ethiopia to disperse that knowledge back to the rest of the world. Ham and cush
For instance the egyptian god thoth his name was actually pronounced te hu tee by our people. And in the book when rocks cry out Horace butler points out that the city in mexico where the great pyramids were build is called teotihuacan named after tehuti.
Again the sultan aseer the duke of tiers in another lecture of his.
The last picture comes from the book, ancient mystic oriental masonry.
The late empress of the washitaw muurs in her book return of the ancient ones,speaks about when they pulled one of her ancestors sarcophagus from the ground in Louisiana.that one not being the only one to be found along the Mississippi/ nile river areas or in america in general.
In chapter 29 of when rocks cry out. It is explained that the reason alot of biblical evidence is scarce is because they are looking in the wrong place. Israel came out of egypt they were just looking at the wrong egypt. Exodus set sail from america.
Then leads the question. Has anything hebrew ever cropped up in america?
Quite a bit.
As for that ancient land bridge I mentioned earlier yes that was in reference to what was called Atlantis by the Egyptians, a name given to plato. Now Atlantis is america including the portion that sank some time ago. To the farther west we have lemuria also.
In south America a man named father crespi stumbled upon manny artifacts said to be of atlantean origin.Note; because he paid for these artifacts the people began faking the later ones however the quality gap in earlier artifacts like these and the later ones is apparent.
In the book atlantis the antedeluvian world,he speaks on the mound builders , who were known as moors. Although you had moors in each tribe the washitaw ancient history has and still does speak of the pyramids we built here and the journey from atlantis.
If you dont know the story of atlantis here it is. The story was given by Egyptian high priest but was in no way made up, the cultures of the americas have similar storys and pre contact legends of the sunken land. Keep in mind that egypt over there got it from the one here.
In the egyptian language MDR NTR moor means"the high priest of anu" this is interpreted as ether the sumerian anu or the egyptian anubis(who some say are the same).it should also be noted that vowels are interchangeable in MDW NTR so moor/maur can be muur as in the washitaw muurs
I mention that important connection to state that the iconic royal fez of the moors is found among the sumerian (anu) as well as the americas (anubis) the land linking them would have been atlantis. But let's look at some moorish american atlantis legends.
The inca speak to giants who came from the fallen land after the flood. It should also be noticed that the animated atlantis movie that came out was created using real world references,even down to the dark skin of the atlanteans
In the books The Shadow of Atlantis by Colonel Braghine and Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries by Samael Aun Weor
You'll see excerpts from the aztec books were they explain how the ancestors came from the sunken Atzlan. They also speak of how the earth was reset 4 times before
See the pointed aztec headress that resembles the moorish pointed headress used in iberia during our 700 year reign. That same pointed headress was stolen by the kkk and became their costume but it originated with us in iberia. book is 100 amazing facts about the negro
Direct quotes from our prophet noble drew ali say that the moorish american flag is over 50,000 years old.Atlantis is said to have sank about 13,000 years ago. Meaning our flag flew over atlantis at one point in time. He also said atlantis will rise again.
And just so everyone is clear our prophet had the flag in america long before it was adopted in the kingdom. Hence the wording. They ADOPTED it. Even if you attempt to discredit everything elts ; that the flag has a long history here is undeniable.
So to get into mexico something's have to be cleared away first. Then the connecting line between us will be made clear. First things first. In history anywhere these people went they destroyed art and history and attempted to replace as much as they could .
As you can see in their own depictions there was much melanin in Mexico then something happened and now everyone is lighter. What happened in mexico also happened up north however it was more effective in mexico
All records were altered to make it appear as in mexico always had a lighter skin complexion. But this is colonization 101. Change there name and appearance in their minds and they wont know what's going on. All words moorish were changed and dark skin was painted light
These are the mexican people in the days or yore.
And if I didnt already talk about it yet and you are wondering why it says mongols,there was an invasion of mongols into the americas.(a few actually)But I'll get back to that later.
This woman was said to be the first mexican.a mix of american and Spaniard. But if that's the case then that means that no mexican today really belongs and they are more spaniard. Of course that's not true but if you let them mix up your history then they can control you.
What actually happened is that they created a class system and pushed down any darker person. After awhile you had children with no knowledge of self deciding to marry a lighter skinned person just so they could have food to eat. Thus this fake classification system came about.
As you can see the mexico of yesterday was vastly diffrent than the ones of today
Side note. Eventually in these pictures they start beating each other. Idk what's going on here exactly but I believe this system caused to much chaos
When you ask quote un quote "afro Mexicans" they will tell you they arnt african and that is true. Same as in north america numbers were exaggerated and people lied.captured in one city and in the next one they take you to suddenly you are african or just negro.
Dark skinned or light skinned mexicans are still moors although the term in mexico would be moro's or morenos. So to any one reading this from mexico understand people want you to think we are stealing from you but we are one people divided only by modern misnomers and lies.
If you havent look at my other thread please do so, you'll find it enlightening
So to all moors and"mexicans" understand that the only thing separating us is the fact the some are mixed with Spaniards and have lighter skin. That's it.
So to summarise what happened in mexico and partly in the north :
And If you are a moreno and someone linked this to you and you are wondering what this whole thing is about.
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