if deancas unrequited why so many parallels to each other?

— a thread

[8.07 x 11.23]
explain why i’ll go with you

[7.23 x 13.14 x 15.18]
oh look there’s more!

[11.23 x 13.07]
much to think about

[8x04 x 14.10 x 15.18]
cas didn’t know HE was dean’s win. always was.

[12.19 x 13.06]
and then you remember dean was scripted to say i love you

[8.17 x 12.12]
so after all i think it’s pretty clear what he needed to say here

[15.09 x 15.18]
these speak for themselves

[8.07 x 15.09]
when heaven and super mega hell make you believe it’s unrequited

[8.19 x 13.04]
when you get called each other’s boyfriends by demons

[7.23 x 10.14 deleted scene]
when you get made fun of by the archangel possessing him

[11.18 x 4.01 x 14.10]
bonus: their reactions
“yeah, that’s what i thought” when a second earlier he was talking about how dean was cas’s human weakness?? HM

and since we’re on the topic of same scenes...

so cas’s side is canonically romantic huh looks into the camera like i’m in the office

[11.14 x 11.15 x 11.17]
dean lying to the angels to keep them away from cas? i think i’ve seen this film before

[8.02 x 9.01]
oh yes the famous follow your heart line and how we had amara finding dean by following cas’s heart - dean, who had 3 bottles of beer beside him on the table and his head in his hands because cas was missing. all that in the same season. hm

[11.11 x 11.21]
so cas dinged you up pretty good = cas leaving right after a pretty much confession from dean = dean’s fear . do i need to elaborate any further

[8.18 x 13.04]
nothing to see here just them being stupid really

[8.07 x 9.22]
as i was saying,

[15.03 x 15.04]
that unrequited yearning

[14.19 x 15.07]
i know this is less of a parallel and more of a direct reply but still what the hell

similar situation as the last one but

[7.21 x 15.18]
so that makes them each other’s colette, right? interesting

[10.22 x 15.09]
...oh i see

[10.22 x 14.13]
hand on wrist. hesitation. me eating glass

[10.22 x 14.13]
honorable mention - also how in these they were both being controlled (by naomi and the mark of cain) but neither could kill the other when they WERE supposed to (naomi training cas to kill 1000 copies of dean, cain killing colette)

[8.17 x 10.22]
- dean breaking through naomi’s control on cas
- cas breaking through the mark’s control on dean
- dean breaking through amara’s control on him because of cas
- dean breaking chuck’s control on him because of cas

[8.17 x 10.22 x 11.18 x 15.19]
speaking of breaking control!

[14.20 x 15.09 - rest of the season]
...how did they think they could get away with this

[11.18 x 14.02]

“my grief is tremendous but my love is bigger”

[10.18 x 13.03]
this is just cute

[5.22 x 8.10]

but since we’re talking about head tilts...

i need you.
i love you.

[8.02 x 15.18]
bangs head on a wall

[14.12 x 15.18]
a self explanatory bonus:
honestly this is just cruel

[9.23 x 12.23]
you will always be my hardest goodbye.

[13.01 x 15.18]
i decided to leave the most important part of this thread for last because i wanted to get a bit deeper into it, so:

supernatural: a study in the heart.

starting with - dean, you talking from experience? [14.06 x 4.01 x 15.18]
here’s a story in two parts.

[8.02 x 15.18]
but the heart wants what it wants.

[11.13 x 11.11 x 11.18]
now that we’ve covered that this was never about amara, notice how this show had a lot to talk about on the topic of hearts? especially around these two?

yeah, home is where your heart is.

[11.11 x 11.18 x 11.21]
which leads us to: billie choosing to attack dean’s heart, minutes prior to the confession.

but cas got him on that, as he said so, and he did. until dean’s heart was attacked in a whole different way. foreshadowing much?

so you see, unsaid sentences don’t mean unfelt emotions. every single thing in this thread happened in CANON TEXT. so guess what? it’s canon. whether you like it or not, dean has always felt the same.

and if you still think otherwise... get help.
also i made this whole thing purely by memory so i doubt i actually covered everything 😭 so if any of you know of more parallels please feel free to send me!! i’ll gladly add here <3

anyways unrequited my ass !
one more addition? (...and the most important)

cas broke off chuck’s control because he fell for dean. this made their love canonically the only thing chuck didn’t AND couldn’t control. and as showed earlier, it was reciprocated.

they were real.

[4.22 x 15.17 + the whole show]
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