Jon @ossoff has raised $100M - yes you read that right — in the last two months for the #gasen runoff against Sen. David Perdue. He has $17.5M in cash on hand for the final stretch. #gapol
. @Ossoff’s campaign says it received the donations from more than 1.4 million individual donors during the latest reporting period. About 97% of them were under $200. #gapol #gasen
A staggering sum: @ReverendWarnock raised about $97.5M between Oct. 15-Dec. 16 and received another ~$6M from outside groups for more than $103M over the two month span. He’s got nearly $23M in cash on hand for the last stretch. #gapol #gasen
. @sendavidperdue raises $55.7M from Oct. 15-Dec. 16, plus another $12M in transfers from outside groups. He’s collected about $68M overall the last two months, and has $16M on hand for the last stretch. #gapol #gasen
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