I think it’s very weird to interpret the sort of off the cuff criticisms and complaints people share on social media as an accurate representation of the state of leftist thought and I find often that those who do so are mostly just mining for content
like if someone posts that they think there should be no white people in the communist future, so what? people have a right to talk shit and to assert boundaries for their social lives, even ones that seem absurd to others. you don’t know these people offline, mind your business.
the idea that every person’s opinion, even if it goes viral (and let’s be honest this always happens more to Black people esp women) deserves or requires critique, or ought to be a subject of popular education, is deeply misguided and not a good, social use of your time/energy.
what’s especially ridiculous is how often people rush to make examples out of these kinds of tweets/individuals, and then when they receive backlash (deservedly or not), treat it as evidence of some horrible culture war, censorship, etc. aren’t you dizzy???
As usual I think what’s missing from these kind of incidents/conversations is an analysis of capitalism. Social media platforms are designed to foster continual, cyclical engagement, and a sense of entitlement to comment on everything, because *that’s what generates profit*
The whole reason we feel the need to comment on people’s content like this (hell, the reason I feel the need to make this thread) is bc of how platforms, phones, etc are designed, marketed, and algorithmically organized for the benefit of super rich white sociopaths like Jack.
Something clicked for me last year where I stopped engaging in Facebook arguments entirely bc I refused to get emotionally worked up and burn bridges with actual community members for the benefit of Mark Zuckerberg and his capital accumulation. Waiting for the other shoe to drop
Don’t ever forget that the primary purposes of these social media apps and platforms are a) capital accumulation, and b) state surveillance. so why are you playing into their hands? go have fun. do some drugs! stop posting
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