1/Anonymous, a thread:
When I first learned about #Anonymous as a Freshman in Highschool, I always dreamed about being part of it. As a poor kid, I was unliked, I was desperate for someone to save me from my suicidal thoughts and misery, I wanted to be included.
2/Anonymous wasn't my saving grace. I didn't understand it or what they were doing. I couldn't figure out what being involved really even meant. Years later, I went into the military, and finally transitioned into #infosec and became a hacker.
3/The funniest part about being good at what I do is all of the Anonymous people that contact me and ask for help hacking or learning how to hack. Meeting Aubrey Cottle has been a weird ride, because I finally understand what Anonymous does and why they do it.
4/Anonymous is a word that anyone can use, and unfortunately, I think that destroys the aspect of goodness that can come from talented hackers putting their minds together - or in other words, people get blamed for actions that are not of their own doing.
5/I detest threat actors. The self-proclaimed Anon Black Hats that steal from others and scam are disgusting. As I've seen, the real people behind Anonymous don't do that. They troll disinformation and think up ways to dismantle the pysops that consume our brothers and sisters.
6/While their methods aren't exactly on par with political correctness, I believe that it takes people willing to put themselves out there to destroy misinformation that harms society...but there's one important thing that I want to mention.
7/Every community has gatekeepers and destructive behavior. This holiday season I want to remind you that even the Anon community that I've met has highly toxic behavior. I don't think any community is immune to it.
8/Even though I'm not part of Anonymous and never will be, I can fully appreciate a movement they are trying to start:
#OpLove #OpUnity

It doesnt matter if you're a Security Researcher, Hobby Hacker, Forensic Analyst, Black Hat - end the toxic gatekeeping and awful behavior.
9/Hackers and friends, Infosec is a team fight. Put aside the ethics of how we all operate for a second and unify against toxic behavior.

To the threat actors who are trying to change their ways and be more responsible with the disclosure of information, I see you.
10/I'm hoping that one day, all hacking communities can unify against the Nation-State Threat actors and stop malicious hacking, disinformation, threatening toxic behavior and make a difference. Hang up your hats for a second and encourage mental health and safety.
Oh and by the way. Threat actors, get lost. If you think I'll help you commit illegal acts or steal for you, think again - you've got the wrong guy.
Shoutout to @YourAnonNews for making me this dank photo.

I wanted to do offensive security for a three-letter agency when I first began hacking. Fun fact, as a disabled vet - I can't pass their physical exams.

Also, the ones that don't require PT are in Maryland - no thanks.
You can follow @johnjhacking.
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