1/ If gyms, indoor dining/drinking had not re-opened in July, & gatherings stayed limited to 20 or so, everything else in the economy would now be open and case counts would be negligible. The cases + deaths since Aug, the economic destruction since Oct wouldn't have happened.
2/ The trade-off @fordnation in effect made was not "economy vs. virus". It was that having gyms and bars open for three months was worth another lockdown, tens of thousands of additional cases, and well over a thousand extra deaths by the time this is done.
3/ OK, so to everyone who says "but it's spreading in essential workplaces!": ask yourself why infection rates in these places were falling from May through July, but then suddenly started rising again after the bars, restos and gyms opened.
4/ Am surprised by the number of people who think a second wave is like a force of nature rather than a set of policy failures. That the virus' rebound is somehow a pre-ordained outcome of the change of seasons. It's not.
5/ The rebound in cases in Canada came in Sept, still quite a warm month, people mostly outdoors. The rebound in cases in Europe came in *August* - nothing at all to do with weather, everything to do with being 4-6 weeks after gathering/dining rules relaxed. Exactly like here.
6/ (actually, this is truer of France and Spain than elsewhere in Europe - in some other places it did not break out until later...but point being it's not seasonally determined)
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