One thing that nagged at me at the press conference today (and not for the first time listening to Johnson recently) was his lack of comprehension

@dasvee was also wondering about this

It needs a bit more investigation

It was most clear today when Peston asked Johnson a semi complicated question - and then Johnson went off on a circuitous and plain strange answer you were just waiting for it to stop because it was too painful

"He's just a bullshitter" you might say

But I am not sure. Today I had the feeling he did not even understand what he was being asked

There is an emptiness to this version of Johnson that I find hard to fathom

I went back over some old films of Johnson on Youtube

Here he is asking his first question at a PMQs, in 2003

Here he is in an interview in 2006

Hosting Have I Got News For You in 2006 (we also learn he can use an autocue from this one)

And a Mayor's Question Time in 2014

Johnson is pretty awful in many of those. But - in comparison to the Johnson we see today - he is sharp. His words flow more easily. He speaks faster. His eyes are alive. His body language less strange.

Yes, what he says is often still waffle, and the umms and ahhhs are all still there. But there is a sharpness, a liveliness about him that he now no longer seems able to exhibit.

It has been a hell of a year, *and* he had Coronavirus, but this is not the Johnson of old. How he handled questions was not always this excruciating.

When we ask ourselves today "how did anyone fall for this guy's politics before?" I think we need to add a further question: "is this the same Johnson?"

The transformation is quite marked.

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