Things we're gonna miss about this Christmas:
1: Our annual Christmas eve party. For as long as I can remember, we've set out a buffet for our friends and family. No advertising, no charge. Of course, the bar was open if you needed a drink between family obligations.
2: Having mobs of costumed #Furbandit bikers stopping by for a quick warm up drink and breakfast burrito on their 25 mile charity ride.
3: Our Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Yeah, they're played out, but damned if our guests and staff don't still have fun with it.
4: Hosting a @SamuelAdamsBeer Vintage Utopias Tasting. '11 was amazing, but the star of the night was really just a pint of fresh Boston Lager and a few dozen Rappahannock oysters.
5: Hosting the Midwest Artist Collective for a special Christmas themed Drink & Draw night. Krampus items were a hot seller.
6: Our annual dark beer tap takeover and winter solstice celebration #ThereWillBeDarkness is one of our busiest, craziest weekends of the year. 28 handles of all dark, imperial, and reserve beers on tap. Not this year, though.
7: Sneaking away for a few shots of Aquavit at our Scandinavian neighbors a few blocks south of us, @TheNorwegian4 and their Christmas Snømarket. So happy to have you guys in our neighborhood.
8: We miss closing up, heading to Mary's Place, pushing your way to the front of a sweaty audience, spilling most of a (very underpriced) @HalfAcreBeer and watching @MilesNielsen and the @TheRustedHearts rock out until closing time.

....Man. I miss live music.
9: But really, it's **people** we miss. Our staff, our guests, our purveyors, delivery drivers and mail carriers. We hope we can have you all back again soon.

The Olympic might indeed be a building at Fulton and Main, but it's also a community. And we miss our community.
10: But still, we are very fortunate in a lot of ways, and we are so thankful to be here. We are hopeful that Santa will leave us a great 2021 under the Christmas tree this year.

Do good. Speak up. Drink more water. Wear your damn mask. Love more people.

Merry Christmas.
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