A security deal has been reached with EU. Here are some key points to remember.
1. UK will be out of European Arrest Warrant scheme which means extradition will be slower & more cumbersome. Some countries may refuse to send their own nationals for trial here...
2. It is “very unlikely” - says Steve Rodhouse of @NCA_UK - UK will have access to thousands of data alerts on crime information including wanted suspects held on EU SIS II system ...
3. UK will not be able to have the same close involvement in EU law enforcement agency @Europol as it has done which means joint working on crime investigations will be more bumpy & information will not be shared as readily as now...
4. UK Govt ministers said this month they expect to lose access to Eurodac fingerprints database for identifying migrants who’ve already claimed asylum
5. There are several other key EU law enforcement & intelligence tools - such as ECRIS criminal records system & DNA sharing arrangements under Prum Treaty - that UK may still lose access to under a security deal. The devil is in the detail of the deal. Let’s see what it says.
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